the pink stuff

the pink stuff

I moved into a new home about three months ago, and have been obsessed with decorating my home. I’ve been following various online groups for decor ideas. As I was scrolling a few weeks ago, I was impressed by a post I saw about “The Pink Stuff”.  

In the video I watched, a woman showed how this gooey clay like ‘pink stuff’ cleaned the scum of her bathroom tile in just a few swipes and made it look brand new. I responded in the comments, “heads to Amazon to place my order!” I had to have it, right of way. Unfortunately, others desperately wanted it too, because it was out of stock. 

I didn’t mind waiting, so I was glad it allowed me to place my order, with a four week expected arrival time. Imagine my surprise when it showed up at my door just a week later! I was so eager to try it for myself.

My daughters, now 13 and 9, previously shared a bedroom before we moved in our new home, and we decided to give the dresser to our youngest daughter. It has marker stains, nail polish, and other stains that I can’t even identify. Before seeing the post about The Pink Stuff, I had plans to leave the dresser out for trash day, and would purchase a new one to replace it.

The Pink Stuff is awesome. It cleans very well, and very little is needed. Be careful to read the directions (and follow them).

I was able to get marker stains off in one swipe. The nail polish stains took a little more ‘elbow grease’, and eventually came up, but in the process, the paint from the dresser came off as well in a small spot. I used a microfiber cloth, but the directions say to use a soft cloth. (Follow the directions).

I think this is a great product to keep in the house for cleaning stains. I actually even used it on a small spot in my daughter’s room where a black sharpie was dropped on the floor. It did not take the spot out 100%, but it definitely lightened the spot (I failed to take before and after pics). I attempted to embed the link for the product, but it is not currently showing on Amazon. I recommend to keep checking back for it, or see if you can find it on another online site.

See my before and after pictures of the dresser below:

Before using ‘The Pink Stuff’ on the girls’ dresser

Before using ‘The Pink Stuff’ on the girls’ dresser

After using ‘The Pink Stuff’ on the girls’ dresser

After using ‘The Pink Stuff’ on the girls’ dresser

Timelapse video cleaning dresser
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